復讐の野 Field of Revenge
(タルティーン平原 昼)
Tailtean Plains | Daytime
セイロス: お母様……。奇しくもまた、雨が降っているのですね。
Seiros: Mother... Oddly the rain has come to fall yet again.
At this place, once again... I will fight to take you back...
The one who keeps me from seeing you again... I will be sure to return them to the earth from whence they came.
The foolish descendant of Hresvelg who bares her fangs at me will suffer the same fate...
教団兵: レア様……
Church Soldier: Lady Rhea...
セイロス: 今は、セイロスと呼びなさい。
Seiros: Call me Seiros now.
I am no longer the archbishop, but rather a warrior.
教団兵: はっ、セイロス様。
Church Soldier: Yes, Lady Seiros.
Because of the rain, we have not yet confirmed the position of our enemy or of the Kingdom army...
セイロス: フェルディアへの進路を探しなさい。そう大きくは迂回もしていないはずです。
Seiros: Search the route to Fhirdiad. It is unlikely that they have strayed far from it.
When you discover the Imperial army's main force, commence the attack.
If the Kingdom's army has already engaged, flank the enemy as planned.
教団兵: はっ、ご命令どおりに!
Church Soldier: As you wish.
セイロス: 待っていなさい、Byleth。もうまもなく、訪れるのですから。
Seiros: Wait for me, dear child... I will be paying you a visit soon...
When this sword has been plunged into your chest... Yes, that is the very moment I have long for...
ディミトリ: 先に教団をぶつけるつもりだったのだがな。チッ……敵の進軍速度を読み誤ったか。
Dimitri: I was hoping they would strike the church first... We must have miscalculated the rate of their advance.
Reorganize the formation. We have no choice but to buy time until the church arrives. It will be a long battle... Are you afraid, Dedue?
ドゥドゥー: いいえ。陛下のお側にあって、恐れることなど、何もございません。
Dedue: No. So long as I am at your side, there is nothing to fear.
ディミトリ: 頼もしいな。……見ていろ、俺は必ず勝つ。必ず、死んでいった者たちに報いてみせる。
Dimitri: I can always rely on you. Just watch, my friend... We will prevail. I will not fail to get revenge for all who have fallen.
ドゥドゥー: ……ええ。どこまでも、お供いたします。陛下……どうか、ご武運を。
Dedue: I would follow you anywhere, Your Majesty. Good luck out there.
ディミトリ: ああ。ドゥドゥー、お前もな。
Dimitri: You as well, Dedue. You as well.
ドゥドゥー: ……陛下。あなたのためならば、おれは……
Dedue: Your Majesty... For you, I will...
エーデルガルト: 雨の中に翻る青き騎士の旗……王国軍のようね。
Edelgard: A flag of blue is flapping in the rain... It must be the Kingdom army.
ヒューベルト: はい。国王ディミトリ自らが兵を率いているようです。
Hubert: Yes. It seems that King Dimitri is leading the troops himself.
However, the Knights of Seiros have yet to be seen. Perhaps they have split up.
エーデルガルト: あのディミトリが、教団に王都を任せて王国軍だけで出陣するのは考えづらいわ。
Edelgard: I can't imagine that Dimitri would leave the capital to the church and face us with the Kingdom army alone.
He must be planning to use the church to gain the upper hand in battle.
With the rain, that must be difficult to coordinate... Still, the Knights of Seiros must be around here somewhere.
ヒューベルト: ならば、後背や横からの奇襲を警戒します。全軍に通達を。
Hubert: Then we should be on alert for attacks from the side and rear as well. Inform the entire army.
帝国兵: はっ!
Imperial Soldier: Yes, sir!
ヒューベルト: それにしても、昔の王国軍とは違いますな。深く陣を布いて我らを迎撃する構えです。
Hubert: Now that I think about it, the Kingdom's Army is quite different than it once was. They have taken a position of interception.
In the past, the king would have introduced himself before beginning a fair fight.
エーデルガルト: 正々堂々、か……。昔の彼を思い出すわね。師もそうではなくて?
Edelgard: A fair fight... The words alone remind me of how he once was. Don't you agree, Professor?
Choice 1: 誰のこと? Who might that be?
エーデルガルト: あら、もう忘れてしまったの?ディミトリが大修道院でよく言っていたわ。
Edelgard: Oh, have you forgotten already? Dimitri often spoke of such things back at the monastery.
Choice 2: ディミトリのこと? Dimitri?
エーデルガルト: そうよ。大修道院で、よく言っていたわよね。
Edelgard: Yes. He often spoke of such things back at the monastery.
Choice 3: クロードのこと? Claude?
エーデルガルト: なぜ正々堂々と最も無縁な男の名が出てくるのかしら……。
Edelgard: Of all the people in the world, why would talk of a "fair fight" remind you of Claude?
I'm talking about Dimitri. Have you forgotten? He often spoke of such things back at the monastery.
ヒューベルト: しかし、今となっては「正々堂々」はディミトリに相応しくない言葉でしょう。
Hubert: Well, at the present, the words "fair fight" do not seem to suit Dimitri anymore.
He dislikes making victims of his friends, but other than that, he will do most anything these days...
If he stops at nothing to continue the onslaught, I cannot imagine what will become of the battlefield.
エーデルガルト: そうね……。布陣が済み次第、前進する。
Edelgard: True. As soon as we can take our battle formation, we must advance.
Dimitri, that past you cling to... I will soon free you from it.